AbOuT mE!!!!

Before @ 160lbs (30.7% body fat)       After @ 145lbs (17.8% body fat) 

Hello my name is Marion. I am 23 and living in sunny San Diego. I am currently finishing up my degree at Arizona State through their online program for Healthy Lifestyle Coaching and already have an Associates of Science degree in Exercise Science and Wellness. I decided to start living the healthy life in January of 2012 after getting hurt snowboarding, going to the doctors and realizing I was at my heaviest weight (160lb). I have always been active and considered "in-shape" in High School. I was a competitive surfer, swimmer and diver all throughout High School and into some of College. The moving out, eating dorm food and new-found drinking turned me from the "in-shape" Marion to the eventually far from it. I juggled with my weight depending on if I was in swim season or not. I knew I hated how I looked, often cried looking in the mirror and constantly covered myself with clothes. The one place I once called my sanctuary was now my most dreaded place to go... the beach. I finally told myself that was enough and changed and will never look back. I switched to all organic and clean eating and turned to weight lifting as my new escape. I love learning about nutrition and how to help others also change their lives. So sit back, grab a protein shake and enjoy :)

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