Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do they use steroids?

So I feel like a lot of people don't know the difference between fitness competitors. I have heard people say that the majority of fitness competitors use steroids, and that is so far from the truth, its crazy. What many people do not get or understand, is how we can form or bodies all through diet and exercise. We study a lot on how to gain muscle and lose weight. They are experts at manipulating their bodies. They work extremely hard and eat extremely clean. Most are some of the healthiest people around.

Bikini Competitors-
They are very lean. Less muscular. More cardio, less weights. No steroids.

Figure Competitors-
More muscle. They lift a lot of heavy weights and have been building their bodies for quite some time. No steroids. (lower body fat and more muscle)

Fitness Model-
They are more natural looking. More well rounded with weights and cardio. No steriods

Body Builders-
Lots of weight lifting. They have spent a lot of time building their bodies. Steroids are probably in use.

These girls sweat hard and lift heavy. Very strong. Most fallow the Paleo Diet. No need to cut or bulk. NO steroids

*** Most of these girls don't look the way they look on stage all year around. They spend a couple months bulking. Bulking means more calories being consumed and mainly weights. About 14 weeks before a competition or a photo shoot, they add a lot of cardio into their routine and limit their carbs called cutting.

On the left is a picture I posted one time on facebook, and it got comments that it was not attractive and she was manly looking. On the right is the same girl. Hmmm, yup ugly and manly. totally....

uh this girl is beautiful in both pictures. She is showing strength, instead on skin and bones. Much healthier.

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