Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I am back :)

Wow, It has been so long since I have been on here. Life got super crazy with work, school ending and grandpa being in the hospital, but my life seems to be back on track :0 yay. I think I am going to get all A's and one B. That B will be like an 88% which upsets me even more that I could not get all A's. But considering the fact that I work close to full time and trying to plan a wedding and train, it is not too shabby. I CAN do it all haha. Now it is time to organize my house and spend time with my hubby-to-be. Our relationship was tested big time this semester due to the amount of time we did not spend together. Sure we saw each other but due to school and work we hardly spent time together, and by the end I was really feeling it, so I am glad we will be us again :) I updated a lot of the pages, including Products I love, workouts and dessert recipes. Check it out :) I know it is the holiday season, but keep eating clean and make time for your workouts. If you slip up, just get back on track. We are human and wont be perfect. Glad to be back :)

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