Sunday, November 4, 2012

The why

I got asked today WHY I work out so much? I thought for a second. In the beginning it was about getting healthy and losing some weight. As the journey progressed I wanted more out of it. I saw my body change and thought why not just give this thing a go. I have always done cardio because that is what my sports required but never really lifted weights. The first time I really had a workout with weights, I was hooked. I have always like swimming and the competitive side of it but the weights brought something out in me that was amazing. Then I got a taste of a CrossFit style workout and that was the end of it, I am addicted. So my why now is because I love it. Yes I loved the body that comes with it but the feeling I get while doing it gives me the biggest high. I always promised myself that I would do it healthy. I have also been told that I'm too muscular. But personally I like it. I have always put on muscle very easily and I am ok with it. I have always like being strong. I want to be in the best shape i have ever been in. People have to remember that they don't have to impress everyone. If your healthy and happy then that is all that matters. Find what figure makes you happy and get it. Find that exercise that you are wanting to go to every day. That is how you will achieve your goal, when it is for you and no one else.

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