Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A year later...

About a year ago, I decided to change my life. I chose to change my eating habits and live a different lifestyle. Throughout the journey I have gotten a lot of different responses from the journey. In the beginning, everyone was very supportive. I threw out all the junk food, decided to start eating clean/organic and stuck my butt in the gym religiously at least two hours a day to drip from cardio, two hours AT LEAST. I loss the weight slowly but surely. I eventually saw a nutritionist and found out several things, including my metabolism. This helped tremendously and I lost even more weight. I still heard all positive reactions. It was not until I started eating more, working out less but lifting more weights and really saw my body transform into something I never dreamed it would ever be, that the negativity began. I have always been able to put on muscle fast. I was always a swimmer and was known for my shoulders. I liked it though. I was always more envious of the muscular girls then the skinny ones. I personally think it is more attractive, yet I know many don't. But changing my workout routine, into weights and then more crossfit style workouts, helped me put on amazing muscle and put it on fast. I saw muscles I have never seen before on me, including abs. At this point I had a new look on life. This change, gave me more energy, made me happy and allowed me to love my body. But in the beginning, and still at times, it is hard hearing people be negative about what makes me happy. I have never been unhealthy about what I do. I never starve myself and I do not over train. I work out about 2 hours a day, three times a week. I try to get at least 2 other days in the week in the gym just lifting weights, which usually only takes me 45 mins and I am lucky if I do that. I eat clean and when I am in the gym, I work my butt off. That is how I do it. No drugs, and no starving myself. It is weird that when I was being unhealthy, no one said anything, but now that I am, people all of a sudden pipe up. strange. I have gotten that I am too masculine, that I work out too much, I have been asked if my fiancé likes me having this much muscle and much more slamming my body. Overall, it has been an amazing journey. It has. I have and so have many others, noticed a huge change in my attitude. I have more of a drive in life. I believe it had even helped me do well in school. It has changed many aspects in my life, not just weight. Part of being healthy is loving yourself, and I have learned how to do that again. Yes, I still look at parts of my body that I do not like, but I don't think that will ever go away. That just motivates me to work hard, to change it. But I have also realized that I wont be perfect and I am ok with that. I am really excited where I will be next year. I really hope I have trained for something. I don't know what yet. Whether it is a crossfit competition, a triathlon, or even a fitness competition, I hope I have achieved it. This journey has changed my life. I hope others will experience something that brings them such joy this coming year as I have. Set your goals and do not stop until you smash them. The journey will be hard but it will be worth it. People will not agree with what you do, but if you are being smart about it and it is making you happy, use it as motivation, Start working towards your goal today, do not wait. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

JAN 12/ MAY 12/ DEC 12

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