Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wedding wedding wedding andddd cake :/

So I got engaged May 25, 2012, and now it's the fun part, planning the wedding, which is fun... Sure. No, it is if you take away the planning, haha. No it has been fun. Today my mom and I went to a wedding expo at the Hyatt in Mission Bay, and of course it had cake and desserts and more cake and of course I tried it all. I just keep grabbing, and I just tell myself, "I'll only be a bride once" and it works... Kinda. Now laying in bed, the guilt sets in, but tomorrow is a new day and I have a lot of salads packed. One thing I have learned through this journey, is one day isn't going to make me gain 10 pounds. I let that one day go and keep on going with my clean eating and working out regemine. No time to dwell, I have a wedding to plannnnn.

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